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Bottle #120, Asheville Yoga Center, Asheville, North Carolina, USA

photo by Sierra

My heart sings when I find wee bottles inviting me to be a finder, when I witness kindness, when I sit in nature, when I listen to my deep, wild self, when I dance, when I run, when I yoga, when I mother and when I take the time to just be.

It would be hard to say the most magical thing : I've had a magical life. From communing with trees as a child, to knowing an angel was with me once, to falling in love on an airplane, to being guided by the universe to my current home to being honored with motherhood - how can one choose one magical thing? Finding this bottle was pretty magical.

I hope that I contribute to the well of human harmony when I take the time to know myself, choosing consciousness over habit, working to come from my highest, truest self. As well, I share the practice of yoga with youth at risk and the incarcerated, in the hope that this will be an access to the peace, truth, love, beauty and strength that we all have in our hearts.

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