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Bottle #69 or #70 or #71, Venice Italy, Placed June 2016

bottle #69 Detail, Campo Manin

Found this bottle 2 years ago, and I did not give it importance. Recently, stirring through the drawers, I found it with a friend, and we decided to search the webpage.

I am very grateful I was "chosen" to find it.

"Vaig trobar aquesta ampolleta fa 2 anys i no li vaig donar importància però ara l'hem trobat amb una amiga remenant pels calaixos i hem decidit buscar la pàgina web."

"Moltes gràcies per ser l'escollida."

Note: Bottles #69, 70, 71 pictured above and below, were placed in Venice. Finder Laia did not specify found bottle number.

bottle 69, Campo Manin

bottle 70, Piazza San Marco

bottle 71, Detail Piazza San Marco

bottle 71, Piazza San Marco

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